Unlocking the Power of NSFWJS API: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating it with Your WordPress Website
Image by Dennet - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of NSFWJS API: A Step-by-Step Guide to Integrating it with Your WordPress Website

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Are you tired of struggling with image moderation on your WordPress website? Do you want to ensure that your users have a safe and respectful experience while browsing your content? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to harness the power of NSFWJS API to detect and filter out explicit content, making your website a more enjoyable and family-friendly space.


NSFWJS API is a powerful and accurate image moderation tool that uses AI-driven algorithms to detect and classify images as safe, suggestive, or explicit. With its robust API, you can easily integrate it with your WordPress website and automate the process of content moderation. But before we dive into the integration process, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of using NSFWJS API.

Benefits of Using NSFWJS API

  • Accurate image detection: NSFWJS API boasts an impressive accuracy rate of over 95%, ensuring that your website remains free from explicit content.
  • Automated moderation: With NSFWJS API, you can automate the process of content moderation, saving you time and resources.
  • Improved user experience: By filtering out explicit content, you can create a safe and respectful environment for your users, increasing engagement and loyalty.
  • Scalability: NSFWJS API can handle large volumes of images, making it an ideal solution for high-traffic websites.

Step 1: Signing Up for NSFWJS API

To get started with NSFWJS API, you’ll need to sign up for an account on their website. Fill out the registration form with your details, and you’ll receive an API key via email. This API key is essential for integrating NSFWJS API with your WordPress website.

Step 2: Installing the Required Plugins

Before we begin the integration process, you’ll need to install two essential plugins on your WordPress website:

  • php-curl: This plugin enables PHP’s cURL functionality, allowing your website to make API requests.
  • WordPress HTTP API: This plugin provides a set of functions for making HTTP requests, making it easier to integrate NSFWJS API with your website.

To install these plugins, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on the Plugins tab.
  3. Click on the Add New button.
  4. Search for php-curl and WordPress HTTP API plugins.
  5. Install and activate both plugins.

Step 3: Creating a Custom Plugin for NSFWJS API Integration

In this step, we’ll create a custom plugin to integrate NSFWJS API with your WordPress website. Create a new folder in the wp-content/plugins directory and name it nsfwjs-api-integration. Inside this folder, create a new file called nsfwjs-api-integration.php.

Plugin Name: NSFWJS API Integration
Description: A custom plugin for integrating NSFWJS API with WordPress
Version: 1.0
Author: [Your Name]
Author URI: [Your Website URL]

function nsfwjs_api_integration_setup() {
  // Add API key and endpoint URL
  $api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
  $endpoint_url = 'https://api.nsfwjs.com/v1/moderate';

  // Define the function to make API requests
  function make_api_request($image_url) {
    $curl_options = array(
      CURLOPT_URL => $endpoint_url,
      CURLOPT_POST => true,
      CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array('url' => $image_url),
      CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(
        'Authorization: Bearer ' . $api_key,
        'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt_array($curl, $curl_options);
    $response = curl_exec($curl);

    return json_decode($response, true);

  // Define the function to filter images
  function filter_images($images) {
    foreach ($images as $image) {
      $image_url = $image['url'];
      $api_response = make_api_request($image_url);

      if ($api_response['category'] === 'explicit') {
        // Remove or mark explicit images as per your requirements

  // Hook to filter images on upload
  add_filter('wp_handle_upload', 'filter_images');


Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual NSFWJS API key and save the file.

Step 4: Configuring NSFWJS API Integration

In this step, we’ll configure the custom plugin to integrate NSFWJS API with your WordPress website. Go back to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the Plugins tab. Activate the nsfwjs-api-integration plugin.

Now, whenever an image is uploaded to your website, the custom plugin will automatically make an API request to NSFWJS API to detect and classify the image. If the image is classified as explicit, the plugin will remove or mark it as per your requirements.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

While integrating NSFWJS API with your WordPress website, you may encounter some issues or errors. Here are some troubleshooting tips and optimization techniques to help you overcome these challenges:

  • Check API key and endpoint URL: Ensure that your API key and endpoint URL are correct and properly configured.
  • Verify image URLs: Make sure that the image URLs being sent to NSFWJS API are correct and valid.
  • Optimize API requests: Use caching mechanisms or optimize your API requests to reduce the load on your server and improve performance.
  • Error handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to handle API errors and exceptions.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve shown you how to harness the power of NSFWJS API to detect and filter out explicit content on your WordPress website. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can create a safer and more respectful environment for your users, improving their overall experience and increasing engagement.

Plugin Version Author
1.0 Alexander Skuratov
WordPress HTTP API 1.2 WordPress

Remember to regularly update your WordPress plugins and themes to ensure optimal performance and security. With NSFWJS API integration, you can take your website to the next level and create a safer, more enjoyable experience for your users.

Here are 5 questions and answers about using NSFWJS API on a WordPress website:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to explore the world of NSFWJS API on your WordPress website! Here are some frequently asked questions to get you started.

What is NSFWJS API, and how does it benefit my WordPress website?

NSFWJS API is a JavaScript library that helps detect and filter out explicit content, making your website a safer and more family-friendly space. By integrating it into your WordPress website, you can safeguard your users from offensive content and maintain a professional online reputation.

How do I set up NSFWJS API on my WordPress website?

To set up NSFWJS API on your WordPress website, you’ll need to create an account, obtain an API key, and install the NSFWJS WordPress plugin. Then, simply configure the plugin by adding your API key, and you’re good to go! You can also customize the settings to fit your website’s specific needs.

Can I customize the NSFWJS API settings to fit my website’s unique requirements?

Absolutely! NSFWJS API offers a range of customization options to ensure that the filtering process aligns with your website’s specific needs. You can adjust the sensitivity level, specify custom keywords, and even define your own rules for content filtering. This flexibility allows you to maintain control over the types of content that appear on your website.

Will using NSFWJS API slow down my WordPress website’s performance?

NSFWJS API is designed to be lightweight and efficient, ensuring that it won’t impact your website’s performance. The API uses advanced algorithms to quickly scan content and filter out explicit material, without sacrificing your website’s speed or responsiveness. You can rest assured that your users will continue to enjoy a seamless browsing experience.

Is NSFWJS API compatible with other WordPress plugins and themes?

Yes, NSFWJS API is designed to be compatible with a wide range of WordPress plugins and themes. The API integrates seamlessly with popular plugins like Akismet and Disqus, and is compatible with most WordPress themes, including custom and commercial themes. This means you can use NSFWJS API with confidence, knowing it will work harmoniously with your existing WordPress setup.

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