Jetpack Compose and ExoPlayer: Avoiding the Late Destruction Conundrum
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Jetpack Compose and ExoPlayer: Avoiding the Late Destruction Conundrum

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Are you tired of encountering issues with ExoPlayer when changing screens in your Jetpack Compose app? You’re not alone! The late destruction of ExoPlayer can be a frustrating problem, but fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got a comprehensive guide to help you overcome this hurdle.

Understanding the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand why ExoPlayer is destroyed late when changing the screen. In Jetpack Compose, the composable function that hosts the ExoPlayer instance is recreated every time the user navigates to a new screen. This recreation process involves the destruction of the previous composable function, which in turn triggers the destruction of the ExoPlayer instance.

However, ExoPlayer has a complex lifecycle that involves multiple threads, and its destruction is not instantaneous. When the user navigates to a new screen, the ExoPlayer instance is not immediately destroyed, causing issues with the new screen’s initialization.

Consequences of Late Destruction

The late destruction of ExoPlayer can lead to a range of issues, including:

  • Audio playback interruptions: When ExoPlayer is destroyed late, it can continue to play audio in the background, causing interruptions to the new screen’s audio playback.
  • Resource leaks: Failure to release resources held by ExoPlayer can lead to memory leaks and other performance issues.
  • Initialization errors: The new screen may fail to initialize properly due to the lingering ExoPlayer instance.

Solution 1: Using the remember function

val exoPlayer = remember {

By using `remember`, you can ensure that the ExoPlayer instance is only created once and reused across different screens. However, this approach has its limitations, as it may not work well with complex ExoPlayer configurations.

Solution 2: Implementing a Custom ExoPlayer Holder

A more robust approach is to implement a custom ExoPlayer holder that manages the lifecycle of the ExoPlayer instance. This involves creating a separate class that holds the ExoPlayer instance and provides methods for initializing and releasing resources.

class ExoPlayerHolder(private val context: Context) {
    private lateinit var exoPlayer: ExoPlayer

    fun init() {
        exoPlayer = ExoPlayer.Builder(context).build()

    fun release() {

You can then use this custom holder in your composable function:

val exoPlayerHolder = remember {


// Use ExoPlayer instance

// Release resources when navigating to a new screen
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

Solution 3: Using a ViewModel

An alternative approach is to use a ViewModel to manage the ExoPlayer instance. This involves creating a ViewModel that holds the ExoPlayer instance and provides methods for initializing and releasing resources.

class ExoPlayerViewModel(private val context: Context) : ViewModel() {
    private lateinit var exoPlayer: ExoPlayer

    fun init() {
        exoPlayer = ExoPlayer.Builder(context).build()

    fun release() {

You can then use this ViewModel in your composable function:

val viewModel = viewModel()


// Use ExoPlayer instance

// Release resources when navigating to a new screen
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {

Additional Best Practices

In addition to the solutions outlined above, here are some additional best practices to keep in mind when working with ExoPlayer and Jetpack Compose:

  • Use the `LaunchedEffect` API to release resources when navigating to a new screen.
  • Avoid using ExoPlayer in composable functions that are recreated frequently, such as those with dynamic content.
  • Use a single instance of ExoPlayer throughout your app, rather than creating multiple instances.
  • Make sure to release ExoPlayer resources when the app is paused or stopped.


In conclusion, the late destruction of ExoPlayer when changing screens in Jetpack Compose can be a frustrating issue, but it’s not insurmountable. By using the `remember` function, implementing a custom ExoPlayer holder, or utilizing a ViewModel, you can ensure that ExoPlayer is properly initialized and released, avoiding common issues like audio playback interruptions and resource leaks.

Remember to follow best practices, such as using `LaunchedEffect` to release resources and avoiding ExoPlayer usage in composable functions with dynamic content. With these solutions and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating seamless audio and video experiences in your Jetpack Compose app.

Solution Description
Using the `remember` function Stores the ExoPlayer instance in the composable function’s scope, ensuring it is not recreated every time the user navigates to a new screen.
Implementing a custom ExoPlayer holder Manages the lifecycle of the ExoPlayer instance, providing methods for initializing and releasing resources.
Using a ViewModel Manages the ExoPlayer instance and provides methods for initializing and releasing resources, decoupling the ExoPlayer lifecycle from the composable function.

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to overcome the challenges of working with ExoPlayer and Jetpack Compose, creating a seamless and engaging experience for your users.

Got stuck with Jetpack Compose and ExoPlayer? Worry not, we’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

Why is ExoPlayer destroyed late when changing the screen in Jetpack Compose?

When you change the screen in Jetpack Compose, the previous screen’s Composable function is not immediately destroyed. Instead, it’s kept alive until the composition is fully updated. This can cause ExoPlayer to be destroyed late, leading to unwanted behavior. To avoid this, make sure to release ExoPlayer resources manually when the screen is changed.

How can I release ExoPlayer resources manually in Jetpack Compose?

You can release ExoPlayer resources manually by calling `exoPlayer.release()` in the ` DisposableEffect` or `LaunchedEffect` of your Composable function. This ensures that ExoPlayer is released as soon as the screen is changed, preventing any unwanted behavior.

What happens if I don’t release ExoPlayer resources manually?

If you don’t release ExoPlayer resources manually, ExoPlayer may continue to run in the background, consuming system resources and potentially causing memory leaks. This can lead to performance issues, app crashes, and even device slowdowns. So, make sure to release those resources!

Can I use ExoPlayer with Jetpack Compose’s built-in video player?

No, Jetpack Compose’s built-in video player is not compatible with ExoPlayer. You’ll need to use a separate Composable function to integrate ExoPlayer into your app. But don’t worry, it’s worth the extra effort for the advanced features ExoPlayer provides!

Are there any other tips for using ExoPlayer with Jetpack Compose?

Yes! Make sure to handle configuration changes (like screen rotations) properly, and consider using a separate ViewModel to manage ExoPlayer’s state. Also, don’t forget to check the ExoPlayer and Jetpack Compose documentation for any specific requirements or recommendations.