Coroutine final_suspend: Is it Undefined Behavior?
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Coroutine final_suspend: Is it Undefined Behavior?

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Are you a C++ developer working with coroutines? Have you ever wondered what happens when a coroutine reaches its final suspend point? Well, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of coroutines and explore the mysterious final_suspend method. So, buckle up and let’s get started!

What are Coroutines?

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s quickly cover the basics. Coroutines are a type of cooperative multitasking that allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, but not necessarily in parallel. They’re like threads, but instead of being managed by the operating system, they’re managed by the program itself. This gives us more control over the execution flow and allows for more efficient use of resources.

How do Coroutines Work?

A coroutine is essentially a function that can yield control to another function at specific points, called suspension points. When a coroutine reaches a suspension point, it returns control to the caller, but it doesn’t terminate. Instead, it remembers its state and can be resumed later from the same point. This process is called cooperative scheduling.

coroutine my_coroutine() {
    // do some work
    co_await some_suspend_point();
    // do some more work
    co_await another_suspend_point();
    // and so on...

What is final_suspend?

When a coroutine reaches its final suspension point, it’s about to terminate. But, what happens next? That’s where the final_suspend method comes in. final_suspend is a special method that’s called when a coroutine is about to complete. Its purpose is to prepare the coroutine for destruction and release any resources it may have allocated.

struct return_object {
    // ...
    void final_suspend() {
        // release resources, clean up, and so on

The Mystery of final_suspend

So, what happens if we don’t define a final_suspend method? Is it undefined behavior? Well, let’s take a look at the C++ standard.

The C++20 standard states that if a coroutine doesn’t define a final_suspend method, the behavior is implementation-defined. That means it’s up to the compiler to decide what to do. But, what does that mean in practice?

Undefined Behavior?

Some developers argue that not providing a final_suspend method leads to undefined behavior. They claim that the compiler may choose to do anything, including crashing the program or causing nasal demons to appear (just kidding about that last one, but you get the idea).

However, the majority of developers agree that the behavior is simply implementation-defined. The compiler will likely provide a default implementation of final_suspend, which may or may not release resources correctly. But, it’s not undefined behavior in the classical sense.

Best Practices for final_suspend

So, what should you do? Should you define a final_suspend method or rely on the compiler’s implementation? Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Always define a final_suspend method: Even if it’s empty, defining a final_suspend method ensures that you have control over the coroutine’s destruction.
  • Release resources explicitly: Make sure to release any resources, such as memory or handles, that the coroutine has allocated.
  • Avoid throwing exceptions: final_suspend should not throw exceptions, as it may lead to undefined behavior.
  • Keep it simple and concise: final_suspend should be a simple, concise method that performs the necessary cleanup.

Examples and Use Cases

Let’s take a look at some examples to illustrate the importance of final_suspend:

Example 1: Memory Management

struct return_object {
    std::vector data;
    // ...
    void final_suspend() {
        data.clear(); // release memory

In this example, we’re using a vector to store some data. When the coroutine completes, we need to release the memory allocated by the vector. final_suspend ensures that we do so.

Example 2: File Handling

struct return_object {
    std::fstream file;
    // ...
    void final_suspend() {
        file.close(); // close the file

In this example, we’re working with a file stream. When the coroutine completes, we need to close the file to release any system resources. final_suspend takes care of that.


In conclusion, final_suspend is a crucial part of coroutine management in C++. While it may seem mysterious, it’s essential to understand its role in releasing resources and ensuring that coroutines are properly destroyed. By following best practices and defining a final_suspend method, you can avoid potential issues and ensure that your coroutines behave as expected.

So, the next time you work with coroutines, remember to give final_suspend the attention it deserves. Your program will thank you!

Keyword Explanation
Coroutine A function that can yield control to another function at specific points.
final_suspend A special method called when a coroutine is about to complete.
Undefined Behavior Behavior that’s not defined by the C++ standard, often leading to unexpected results.
Implementation-defined Behavior that’s defined by the compiler, but may vary between implementations.

Stay tuned for more articles on C++ and coroutines!

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “Coroutine final_suspend: is it undefined behavior?” and covers the topic comprehensively, providing clear instructions and explanations.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on coroutine final_suspend and its behavior!

What is coroutine final_suspend, and why should I care?

Coroutine final_suspend is a member function of a coroutine’s promise type, which is used to suspend the coroutine before its final destruction. You should care because it’s crucial for proper coroutine teardown and resource management. Think of it as the ” Cleanup Crew” ensuring everything is tidy before the coroutine exits.

What happens if I don’t define final_suspend in my coroutine promise type?

Well, that’s a recipe for disaster! If you don’t define final_suspend, it’s considered undefined behavior. The coroutine will basically wing it, and you might end up with resource leaks, dangling pointers, or other nasty surprises. So, don’t be that dev; define final_suspend and ensure a clean coroutine exit!

Can I just return a sentinel value from final_suspend to signal the coroutine’s end?

The short answer is, no. final_suspend should suspend the coroutine, not return a value. Returning a sentinel value would imply the coroutine is still active, causing confusion and potential issues. Instead, use std::suspend_never or a custom awaiter to properly suspend the coroutine.

How does final_suspend interact with coroutine cancellation?

When a coroutine is cancelled, final_suspend is called to ensure a clean exit. However, if the coroutine is already in a suspended state, final_suspend won’t be called again. Instead, the coroutine will be destroyed, and any pending tasks will be cancelled. It’s like a coordinated exit strategy – the coroutine gets to wrap up its business before saying goodbye!

What are some best practices for implementing final_suspend in my coroutine promise type?

When implementing final_suspend, make sure to (1) suspend the coroutine using std::suspend_never or a custom awaiter, (2) release any held resources, and (3) ensure the coroutine’s promise is in a consistent state. Additionally, consider using a RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) approach to handle resources and exceptions. By following these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to writing robust and reliable coroutines!

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